Highlight #12—Women Helping Women

Jan 12, 2016 | Our Blog


Wine & Women_October 2015

While nearly half of the people we shelter are children (more about kids we serve in a future post), a majority of the individuals who seek our services are adults. And while we do serve men who qualify for our services (read more about male victims here), the majority of our adult clients are women.

So it brings our staff and supporters great joy when we have groups of women band together in support of our clients. Don’t get us wrong—we love all of our supporters. The families, co-ed student groups, school-age children, and people of all genders, races, backgrounds, and ages who support us each deserve an award in our eyes. Still, there is something special that happens when strong, empowered women get together to help others who are in the middle of the battle.

Some of the ladies in these groups are survivors themselves. Some have a friend or family member who has been abused. Some are successful business women. Some are just starting to figure out their dreams and aspirations. But all see a need and opportunity when they think about the women who seek our services.

There have been so many different groups of women that came together in 2015 to help us. Space would not suffice to recognize everyone but we do want to take this moment to introduce you to a few of these groups and also give you some ideas in case you have a group of women (or men, or kids) who might like a creative way to get involved with us:

junior league nwa_logo  Junior League of Northwest Arkansas Junior League of NWA is a fantastic group of women who has been committed to serving victims of domestic abuse for years. Our local chapter considers abuse awareness and prevention to be their focus in the NWA community. They provide our shelter with woman-power throughout the year (deep cleans of the kitchens, anyone?) in addition to providing our moms with child care so they can enjoy special events we arrange, and so much more.



All Coiled Up NWA–International Natural Hair Meetup Day all-coiled-up-inhmdinhmd logoNWAWS was fortunate to be selected as the beneficiary at our local meetup for INHMD sponsored by All Coiled Up NWA. Staff had the opportunity to share what we do, network, and collect donations for clients from some of the fabulous ladies at the event. We had fun and appreciated the love from All Coiled Up and the ladies who attended the event.



Wine & Women This fall, some socially-conscious friends approached us with an idea: throw a party, invite everyone’s friends, bring wine and snacks to share, and encourage everyone to clean out their closets and collect some needed items to benefit NWAWS and another local women’s charity. Thus, Wine and Women was born, resulting in some great donations for both our Shelter and Thrift Store. The other charity they selected was Dress for Success NWA, which also serves our clients on a referral basis—a double win for the ladies who come to our door for services!

Wine & Women_October 2015

Mary Kay We are so thankful for our partnership with a local group of Mary Kay consultants this year as well. In lieu of having their normal Christmas Party, Mary Kay_Gift of Confidence_2015these ladies decided to move their party to the shelter this year and host Dinner and a Makeover for our clients. In addition, this group (and their customers) provide each of our new clients with a special gift when they arrive in shelter—“Gift’s of Confidence” bags—to help remind them someone cares and encourage them to believe in themselves.mary-kay-rogers

Last year, the Mary Kay Foundation provided $3M in grants to domestic violence shelters in the United States. Our local group is committed to helping NWAWS receive some of that funding in 2016. We think they are more than kind of awesome. ♥


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