Dedicated Thrift Store Volunteer – Diane Landmesser
Originally from Iowa, Diane lived in Wisconsin before moving to Bella Vista in 1985. She is especially glad to live near her daughter and grandson who live in Fayetteville. Diane has been volunteering at the thrift store since December of 2014. She heard about the NWA Women’s Shelter through a friend from her church and now they carpool to the store each Monday morning to volunteer. She helps out with whatever is needed from straightening up, pricing, changing the mannequins. She said, “We show up and ask what needs to be done that day, and away we go!”
Diane is a member the Daughters of the King. Members of this group are very active at the thrift store and shelter. They bake homemade cookies for our clients and send them over to the shelter on holidays. Diane enjoys going out of her way to make a customer’s day and has even gone to the back to search for a specific size of pants for a customer that could not find his size! Thanks for all that you do, Diane. We are so grateful for your support.
To learn more about volunteering, contact Sheri Hammond at or 479 246-9999.