Written by John McGee April is National Volunteer Awareness Month. bns gold Frequently we forget to recognize our volunteers, and all too frequently we forget to recognize those volunteers who helped build an organization. Northwest Arkansas Women’s Shelter, originally incorporated as the Benton County Women’s Shelter in August 1986, would not still be in existence without the help of volunteers. ASICS PAS CHER FR Very early in our history, a group of individuals created the Benton County Women’s Shelter Auxiliary. The purpose of the Auxiliary was “to provide an opportunity for caring persons to assist the Benton County Women’s Shelter Project in their very important work with battered women and their children.” As reflected in a brochure produced by the Soroptimist International of Northwest Arkansas dated September 28, 1988, the purpose of the project was “to actually establish a shelter…” That brochure contains a sample of a card advising individuals on a number to call, what to take if leaving an abusive relationship, and advice on why one might call a domestic violence hotline. goedkoop nike air max 2017 By November of 1988, the auxiliary was organized with elected leaders, a dues structure, a purpose of raising resources for a shelter, and a campaign to educate the community on the issues of domestic violence. These volunteers organized seminars, brought in speakers, produced informational press releases, and started raising funds to fulfill their purpose. In a January 1989 appeal for members, the auxiliary recorded its purpose as “formed to assist the Project in fund raising and volunteer services.”

Invitation to the First Membership Tea of the Rogers Unit of the Benton County Women’s Shelter Auxiliary
For the next eight years the auxiliary grew, developed multiple units, created a thrift store, and became a power within the organization because of its ability generate revenue. At one point the funds generated by the auxiliary represented close to 40% of all the operating funds accessible by the organization. nike air max pas cher Many of the contributions these founding volunteers provided still shape how we operate. While the thrift store generates only about 20% of our current overall operating revenue, the shelter would not be in existence today without the income-generating power of the thrift store. Many individuals, particularly Jamie Percell, were crucial in creating and establishing the foundation of the thrift store. Originally known as the Friendship House Thrift Store, the NWA Women’s Shelter Thrift Store (now located at 1622 W. 8th Street in Rogers) is still dependent upon the help and assistance of dedicated volunteers. To each and every individual who has ever volunteered at the shelter, in the thrift store (regardless of the name it carried), with a fundraising activity that benefited the Benton County Women’s Shelter/Northwest Arkansas Women’s Shelter, or who served on our volunteer Board of Directors, thank you. Our professional staff know we accomplish what we do because you make it possible. Early on, nearly everything we did was reliant on the kindness, talent, and time of volunteers. As we grew, more and more work shifted to the staff. Today, as a relatively new individual in the history of this shelter, I recognize that everything I do or that my wonderful and talented staff does is an effort to build on the contributions of volunteers—volunteers who decided the region needed a shelter, the community needed to be educated on the issues, and the resources needed to be identified to make it happen have been, and continue to be, essential to our work. I know this might be too late for some, but on behalf of everyone connected with the NWA Women’s Shelter today, thank you, thank you, thank you for your labor of love, for your dedication, and for your support. For those who are still able, you are more than welcome to join us again however you might be able to participate. Chaussures ASICS Gel Glorify pour Femme The mission of the auxiliary is still as relevant and important to us today in our work to empower families to live free of violence as it was in 1988.