You Did It!

We asked you, our NWA community, for help in May as we were faced with closing our doors in July. YOU rallied behind us individually and as part of a grassroots movement to help us on our path to financial security. Today, June 30, we MET AND EXCEEDED our funding goal...
ArkansasGives Day: April 7

ArkansasGives Day: April 7

On April 7th from 8am-8pm, any donations you make to NWA Women’s Shelter through the ArkansasGives website will also qualify us for additional bonus dollars from the Arkansas Community Foundation. Will you consider joining Arkansans from across the state to make...
Highlight #12—Women Helping Women

Highlight #12—Women Helping Women

  While nearly half of the people we shelter are children (more about kids we serve in a future post), a majority of the individuals who seek our services are adults. And while we do serve men who qualify for our services (read more about male victims here), the...
Highlight #6-Faith-Based Organizations Doing Good

Highlight #6-Faith-Based Organizations Doing Good

   NWAWS received a lot of support from the NWA faith community in 2015. In fact, we received over $22,000 in financial support and in-kind contributions from 36 different faith groups last year! Faith-based organizations supported NWAWS in a variety of ways,...
Donor Spotlight: Wal-Mart Store Layout

Donor Spotlight: Wal-Mart Store Layout

Thank you, Wal-Mart Store Layout!   Representatives from the Wal-Mart Store Layout Division presented the Northwest Arkansas Women’s Shelter with a large donation at their quarterly meeting thanks to their E-VAP program. This group has volunteered countless...

Safety Exit