by nwaws | Dec 7, 2016 | Our Blog, Volunteers
Pictured from left: Shelli Cathcart, Gladys Aguiar, Lorna Miller (Living Word), Burke Gower, Regina Gower, Keisha Wyckoff, Dianna Zerr Congratulations to our 2016 Outstanding Volunteers! Mother Teresa is attributed as saying, “I alone cannot change the world,...
by nwaws | Jun 30, 2016 | Our Blog
We asked you, our NWA community, for help in May as we were faced with closing our doors in July. YOU rallied behind us individually and as part of a grassroots movement to help us on our path to financial security. Today, June 30, we MET AND EXCEEDED our funding goal...
by nwaws | May 20, 2016 | Our Blog
Thank you to everyone who joined us at the NWA Women’s Shelter State of the Agency forum last night! Members of the NWAWS Board of Directors and staff were humbled by the response from our community and look forward to being more engaged with everyone as we take...
by nwaws | Mar 13, 2016 | Our Blog, Volunteers
Written by John McGee April is National Volunteer Awareness Month. bns gold Frequently we forget to recognize our volunteers, and all too frequently we forget to recognize those volunteers who helped build an organization. Northwest Arkansas Women’s Shelter,...