by nwaws | Sep 26, 2017 | Our Blog, Volunteers
Deanah Baker, SVP-GMM, Apparel at Walmart, has been volunteering for the NWA Women’s Shelter as an active member of the Board of Directors since early 2016. She currently serves on the Fresh StART committee and, along with Megan Crozier, she will be one of the...
by nwaws | Sep 6, 2016 | Our Blog
On May 19, 2016 we announced that if we did not raise $150,000 in the following six weeks, we would close our doors. Graciously, our community stepped up and donated the funds necessary to keep our doors open. Individuals, companies, and organizations made meeting our...
by nwaws | Jul 25, 2016 | Our Blog
(Photo Credit: A number of years ago, Thomas Stanley published a best-selling book titled The Millionaire Next Door. In it, he describes the characteristics of individuals who achieve great wealth while attracting little attention to...
by nwaws | Mar 13, 2016 | Our Blog, Volunteers
Written by John McGee April is National Volunteer Awareness Month. bns gold Frequently we forget to recognize our volunteers, and all too frequently we forget to recognize those volunteers who helped build an organization. Northwest Arkansas Women’s Shelter,...
by nwaws | Jan 27, 2016 | Our Blog, Third-Party Activities
Join us on Valentine’s weekend for three showings of The Vagina Monologues hosted by the University of Arkansas Gender Studies’ Department. All ticket sales will benefit NWAWS and we will have staff and volunteers at each showing with more information on our services...